Notching machine Single Line


// Quality Products

Notching machine Single Line

As a “single” line, our slot­ting centre includes complete auto­ma­tion for all aspects of slot­ting. This enables effi­cient, cost-effec­tive and fully auto­mated proces­sing of elec­trical sheets of any size.


Slot­ting centres are essen­tial for the produc­tion of elec­trical sheets and stand for precision, flexi­bi­lity and speed.


We offer custo­mised concepts and solu­tions that take the indi­vi­dual needs of our custo­mers into account.


We have been a reliable partner for our custo­mers for decades. We not only offer high-quality products, but also excel­lent service and compre­hen­sive advice to ensure that our custo­mers receive the best solution.










// Equip­ment features

Notching maschine Single line

Singe grooving machine with soundproof booth Automation rendering

Offset filing

Depen­ding on the size of the finished discs, several stacks can be offset on a pallet.


Sound insu­la­tion

The sound­pro­ofing elements are inte­grated into the machine frame and ensure a signi­fi­cant reduc­tion in noise pollution.


Martin Hagel 
Head of Slot Punching 
+49 751 56082 – 0 

Auto­matic loading and unloa­ding of pallets

The pallets with the sheet metal stacks are posi­tioned on the chain conveyors and trans­ported onwards through the system accordingly.


Double sheet detection

Measu­re­ment of the sheet thic­k­ness to prevent the feeding of double sheets.


Sheet metal rolling func­tion inte­grated in tooling

Sheets are sepa­rated from each other by lifting the suction cups locally, thus ensu­ring that only one sheet is removed from the stack and fed in.


Optical measu­re­ment of the elec­trical sheets

The sheet metal blank is photo­gra­phed and measured accor­ding to the sheet charac­te­ristics. The sheet metal is then aligned in the x and y direc­tions, as well as the c‑axis, so that the sheet metal can be precisely inserted into the groo­ving press.


Linear feeder

The sheet metal trans­port through the entire system is realised by speci­ally deve­loped linear feeders. These provide safe and fast trans­port and optimum acces­si­bi­lity for the set-up processes.


Modular design

The punching centre has a modular design and can be expanded accor­ding to requi­re­ments and functions.



Newly deve­loped tooling enables extre­mely fast set-up processes. By redu­cing the number of compon­ents, the suscep­ti­bi­lity to faults is signi­fi­cantly reduced.


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// Appli­ca­tion example

Notching maschine single line

Slot cutter Singe without sound insulation Automation rendered image

In this appli­ca­tion example, a notching single line has been desi­gned as a “single” line for the fully auto­matic produc­tion of elec­trical sheets. Parti­cular emphasis was placed on output, quick chan­geover and easy handling.
The compact­ness of the system mini­mises the space required and ensures optimum accessibility.


The chain conveyors trans­port the sheets through the system.

With the help of a blank loader and a suction tool, the sheets are sepa­rated and checked for double sheets before being fed to the cent­ring station.
The sheets are opti­cally measured at the cent­ring station. The posi­tion devia­tions are corrected during trans­port to the groo­ving machine.


After the stam­ping process, a removal feeder removes the sheet metal and places it precisely on a pallet. The rotor and stator are sepa­rated during trans­port and depo­sited separately.


// Picture gallery

Notching maschine in use

Here you will find pictures and videos from instal­la­tion to use by the end customer.

Let us inspire you and convince you of our exper­tise and experience.

// Hagel Automation

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Rendering Tandem slot cutter

Slotting centre 1400mm

Dec 2023 | For a customer in Germany, we are curr­ently manu­fac­tu­ring a slot­ting centre that includes two single slot­ting machines connected in series. The system is equipped with two 200KN groo­ving centres. The entire project includes two comple­tely inde­pen­dent slot punching auto­ma­tions Centre 1 can punch a sheet diameter of 1400mm Centre 2 can punch a sheet diameter of 1000mm 

Feeder in press line

Feeder between C‑frame presses

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Tandem grooving machine installed at a customer's premises

Tandem grooving machine installed

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Press system with automation

Press system with automation

NOV 2021 | We have installed a 300 tonne press for a customer in the auto­mo­tive sector in Germany. The auto­ma­tion sequence of the system includes: Blank loader, gripper feed & transfer. 

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Hagel Automation in figures



Employees at the Grün­kraut site


Transfer systems installed


Years of experience
location map

// FAQ

Questions and answers

How long does a mould change take?

Normally, a tool change on a groo­ving press takes less than 15 minutes, inclu­ding tooling of the loader setup.

What does a grooving centre do?

A slot punching centre produces elec­trical sheets for motors and gene­ra­tors in a fully auto­mated process. The aim is to achieve high output and short set-up times.

Which parts are mainly produced with grooving machines?

Mainly elec­trical sheets (rotor and stator lami­na­tions) are produced for the manu­fac­ture of elec­tric motors.

How does a grooving centre work?

Pre-cut sheet metal blanks are fed to the groo­ving centre on pallets. These are then trans­ported fully auto­ma­ti­cally and fed to the groo­ving centre. The finished rotor and stator lami­na­tions are stacked on pallets for further processing

What are the advantages of a grooving centre?

Compared to a manual groo­ving press, a groo­ving centre can be used to produce sheet metal with a higher output and quality.

How fast is a grooving centre like this?

Depen­ding on the sheet diameter and the number of grooves around the elec­tric sheet, the output is approx. 6–12 sheets per minute.

Why a slotting centre from Hagel Automation? 

Slot­ting centres from Hagel Auto­ma­tion can be used to produce elec­trical sheets with high output and quality fully automatically.

Delivery time for grooving centre?

As a rule, it takes between 12 and 16 months from orde­ring to deli­very of a slot­ting centre.

Who builds and automates grooving centres?

Hagel Auto­ma­tion specia­lises in the manu­fac­ture of slot­ting centres. Hagel Auto­ma­tion supplies effi­cient, modern and highly precise produc­tion lines in the field of elec­trical sheet production.

What are the areas of application of a grooving centre?

The elec­trical sheets produced in a slot punching centre are used in wind turbines, large motors, gene­ra­tors, trains and ships.

What sheet diameters are possible?

The sheet diame­ters range from 30mm – 1400mm.

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