// hagel Auto­ma­tion GmbH

The company

Hagel Automation GmbH – The company

Company profile

Hagel Auto­ma­tion GmbH is an inter­na­tio­nally active, inno­va­tive, medium-sized mecha­nical and plant engi­nee­ring company based in Grün­kraut-Gullen near Lake Cons­tance in southern Germany.

As a specia­list in the field of auto­ma­tion and forming tech­no­logy, we design and produce custo­mised solu­tions at the highest level.



Milestones and company history

The Hagel engi­nee­ring office is founded by Mr Hermann Hagel. Its field of acti­vity was the design of presses and automation.


Hagel Auto­ma­tion GmbH is founded by Hermann and Martin Hagel and cons­truc­tion of the first elec­tronic three-axis transfer system begins in the company’s own hall.


2008 Start of co-opera­tion and first press orders with Qiqihar No2 in the field of forming technology.


Merger of the Hagel engi­nee­ring office with Hagel Auto­ma­tion GmbH.


Relo­ca­tion to Grün­kraut-Gullen to the new company buil­ding (office and assembly hall).


Opening of our own office in Shanghai, China.


Presen­ta­tion of a new feeder for the auto­ma­tion of tandem lines.


First slot­ting machine in new inno­va­tive O‑frame.


Forming press with complete auto­ma­tion line in the 300 tonne range.


New deve­lo­p­ment of a tandem groo­ving machine with a 1200mm platinum diameter.

Hagel Automation assembly hall from the outside