// hagel Auto­ma­tion GmbH


All jobs at Hagel at a glance

Would you like to work on a variety of projects and constantly expand your exper­tise? Then apply now and become part of the Hagel team!

Our recipe for success is satis­fied, moti­vated employees – for this we offer a relaxed flexi­time model, a fair salary and cool colleagues.

Five reasons why it’s worth joining us:

Strong team
Flexible working hours
Fair, perfor­mance-related remuneration
Relaxed working atmosphere
Career oppor­tu­ni­ties / promo­tion prospects
A safe work­place thanks to pionee­ring technologies

Project engineer

What we can offer you

Employee meeting at Hagel Automation

Benefit from our many years of expe­ri­ence in auto­ma­tion and forming tech­no­logy and take on respon­si­bi­lity for complex tasks in the project of unique solu­tions at an early stage.


Would you like to work on a variety of projects and constantly expand your exper­tise? Then apply now and become part of our team!


Which work tool do you need? Indi­vi­dua­lity is our top prio­rity, because only those who feel comfor­table will move the company forward.

appoint­ments or taking the children to kinder­garten, then just come later. With us it works!

Further bene­fits:

Fair payment
Work-life balance
great colle­agues
30 days holiday

All jobs at Hagel Automation

Unsolicited application

You have not found a suitable vacancy but are convinced that you can contri­bute to the success of Hagel Auto­ma­tion GmbH with your exper­tise, your expe­ri­ence and your perso­na­lity? Then send us an unso­li­cited appli­ca­tion! We are always on the lookout for moti­vated and talented employees who can help our company move forward. Show us what you can do and convince us of your skills and your passion for tech­no­logy and inno­va­tion. We look forward to hearing from you.

Helmut Hembach - Managing Director of Hagel Automation

Helmut Hembach

Mana­ging Director

Apply today

We offer you a simpli­fied and comple­tely uncom­pli­cated appli­ca­tion process. You can simply apply using the contact form. Your contact person will be Helmut Hembach.

Contact us

    We want to break new ground

    We know that an appli­ca­tion is time-consuming and cannot be done quickly on the fly. That’s why we want to break new ground in the appli­ca­tion process, as with all our tech­no­lo­gies, and simplify this step.

    In addi­tion to the classic appli­ca­tion, you can also contact us in a very uncom­pli­cated way and we will arrange a short tele­phone appoint­ment for an initial meeting.

    Simply fill out the form with the desired time and we look forward to the first conversation 🙂

    Classic application

    Do you prefer the classic way to apply? Then send us an e‑mail with:

    Cover letter
    Curri­culum vitae
    earliest possible starting date
    Salary expectations

    Summa­rised as PDF by mail to jobs@hagel-automation.de.

    This is how the application process works

    Initial consultation

    We will get in touch with you as soon as possible after your application.

    Open ques­tions can be answered during a friendly tele­phone call and a brief mutual introduction.

    Once you’ve done that, there’s bound to be a lot of inte­rest and you’ll want to see what we do.

    Take your time and come and meet us in person.

    Get to know Grünkraut

    We would like to welcome you and show you around our company. Perhaps you will already meet one or two future colleagues?

    Once you have gained a good first impres­sion, we are open to any further ques­tions and will discuss ever­y­thing else.

    Your atti­tude does not work enti­rely without bureau­cracy.
    If you fit into the team, it’s time for the contract. Of course, that has to be okay for both sides.

    Permanent position

    Before you really get started with us and you are not sure, we are happy to sche­dule a trial working day.

    We look forward to seeing you!

    Get to know your future bosses

    Get to know the bosses at Hagel Automation
    Helmut Hembach - Managing Director of Hagel Automation

    Helmut Hembach is respon­sible for sales and personnel.

    Martin Hagel - Managing Director of Hagel Automation

    Martin Hagel is respon­sible for design and project management.

    Hail in figures



    Colle­agues at the site


    Foot­ball pitches Work surface


    Coffee machines


    Italian canteen
    location map