Bar tape
for stamping and forming technology


// Quality Products

Bar tape

Indexing belts can be used very prac­ti­cally in forming tech­no­logy wherever blanks are fed cycli­cally into a process. Further work steps such as cent­ring, oiling or orien­ta­tion can be carried out during transport.


Our aim is to offer our custo­mers custo­mised solu­tions that are opti­mally tail­ored to their produc­tion processes and meet their requi­re­ments in the best possible way.


Our systems are manu­fac­tured exclu­si­vely in Germany. Our employees have many years of expe­ri­ence in the deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­ture of auto­ma­tion solutions.









// Advan­tages are obvious

Bar tape

Magnetic systems
The conveyor belts can also be equipped with magnet systems to achieve high speeds for ferritic components.


PCB cent­ring
The indexing conveyors can be equipped with a blank cent­ring device for precise posi­tio­ning of the sheet metal parts. The spec­trum here ranges from manual adjus­t­ment to fully auto­matic format adjus­t­ment of single and multiple blanks.


An oiling device can be inte­grated between two belt segments to ensure even and controlled wetting of the sheets with lubri­cants. This enables optimum forma­bi­lity to be achieved.


Width adjus­t­ment
The width adjus­t­ment enables the conveyor belt to be adapted to diffe­rent sheet dimensions.


Height adjus­t­ment
The height adjus­t­ment enables the conveyor belt to be adapted to the trans­port level.


Teles­copic axle
The teles­copic traver­sing axle allows variable adjus­t­ment of the trans­port length to the respec­tive requirement.


Bar tape
Elec­trical control
Our stan­dar­dised system control consis­ting of Siemens compon­ents enables reliable avai­la­bi­lity and commu­ni­ca­tion between a wide range of components.
Thanks to constant further deve­lo­p­ment and inno­va­tion, we always work with the latest technology.


Inter­ch­an­gea­bi­lity of conveyor belts
The conveyor belts can be comple­tely replaced without dismant­ling the mechanics.
Martin Hagel 
Head of Automation 
+49 751 56082 – 0 
separator timing belt

// Fully automated

Bar tape

Band_BG1400_coloured_yellow (1)
Cycle belt circuit board loader


In this appli­ca­tion example, the indexing conveyor is used in a blank loader. A feeder places the blanks on the short belt segment.
A lubri­ca­tion station can be inte­grated between the two belt segments.
The parts are auto­ma­ti­cally pre-timed.
The length of each part is deter­mined and posi­tioned so that the maximum number of parts can be accom­mo­dated on the belt. A higher number of strokes can be achieved by redu­cing the trans­port distance.
The indexing conveyor can be adjusted fully auto­ma­ti­cally to the corre­spon­ding blank size by means of width, height and teles­copic adjus­t­ment, as well as an auto­matic cent­ring device.
Indexing conveyor as a shuttle solution


In this appli­ca­tion example, the indexing conveyor is used between two transfer presses. The preformed parts are placed on a lifting station, then lowered onto the indexing conveyor and synchro­nised with the press.
At the end of the cycle belt, the compo­nent is lifted and taken over by the second transfer.
Compared to other solu­tions, a parti­cular advan­tage here is that no set-up opera­tions are required for the indexing conveyor.
20-transfer and belt A1300
Indexing conveyor as blank feed from sepa­rate cutting stage


This system was desi­gned as a retrofit of an exis­ting system.
In an external cutting stage, blanks are cut into the upper tool and then trans­ferred to the shuttle. This places the blanks on the indexing conveyor, which then trans­fers the blanks to the transfer system.
The cycle belt moves in abso­lute synchro­ni­sa­tion with the transfer.
Indexing conveyor as blank feed from inte­grated cutting stage


Inte­grated in a cutting frame within a transfer press, blanks are cut and trans­ferred to the cycle conveyor by a blank countersink.
The cycle conveyor trans­ports the blanks until they are accepted by the transfer.
Cycle belt as blank feeder in the retro­fitted blank loader


In this appli­ca­tion, pre-cut blanks are trans­ferred through a feeder onto a two-part indexing conveyor.
The indexing conveyor trans­ports the blanks into the machine at right angles to the throughput direc­tion of the press. The second part of the indexing conveyor is set up toge­ther with the mould and also has a servo lifting device. This allows the blanks to be lifted to the trans­port level in synchro­ni­sa­tion with the press so that the transfer can take over the blanks.

// Picture gallery

Clock tapes in use

Here you will find pictures and videos from instal­la­tion to use by the end customer.

Let us inspire you and convince you of our exper­tise and experience.

// Hagel Automation

Latest news

Slot punching centre construction at Hagel Automation

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Transfer rail

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Slot punching centre construction at Hagel Automation

Slot punching centre successfully put into operation

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Transfer system in press

Transfer system for a 5 metre press table

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Rendering Tandem slot cutter

Slotting centre 1400mm

Dec 2023 | For a customer in Germany, we are curr­ently manu­fac­tu­ring a slot­ting centre that includes two single slot­ting machines connected in series. The system is equipped with two 200KN groo­ving centres. The entire project includes two comple­tely inde­pen­dent slot punching auto­ma­tions Centre 1 can punch a sheet diameter of 1400mm Centre 2 can punch a sheet diameter of 1000mm 

Feeder in press line

Feeder between C‑frame presses

JAN 2022 | Teles­copic feeder successfully installed between C‑frame presses in the auto­mo­tive sector in Germany. 

Tandem grooving machine installed at a customer's premises

Tandem grooving machine installed

DEC 2021 | We have installed a tandem groo­ving press for a customer in the Czech Repu­blic, which can be used in single or tandem opera­tion. Two 160KN groo­ving punches are installed in the system.

Press system with automation

Press system with automation

NOV 2021 | We have installed a 300 tonne press for a customer in the auto­mo­tive sector in Germany. The auto­ma­tion sequence of the system includes: Blank loader, gripper feed & transfer. 



Hagel Automation in figures



Employees at the Grün­kraut site


Transfer systems installed


Years of experience
location map

// FAQ

Questions and answers

How long does a set-up process on the cycle conveyor take?

Indexing belts gene­rally do not require any set-up opera­tions. Manual opera­tions can be width, height or length adjus­t­ments, but in most cases these are also auto­mated nowadays.

What is a bar tape?

An indexing conveyor is a conveyor belt that is usually driven by a toothed belt.
A servo-driven start/stop opera­tion allows compon­ents to be fed into a process in a defined manner.

What does a bar tape do?

An indexing conveyor trans­ports blanks or compon­ents on a conveyor line to a defined transfer point.

Which parts are produced with conveyor belts?

For the most part, compon­ents are blanks that are fed into a forming process or moulded compon­ents that are processed or finished in a further produc­tion step.

How does a timing belt work?

The conveyor belt is usually desi­gned as a toothed belt conveyor that is driven by a gearbox and servomotor.

What are the advantages of an indexing conveyor?

Addi­tional opera­tions such as cent­ring, measu­ring, oiling or similar can be easily inte­grated while the compon­ents are being trans­ported on an indexing conveyor.
In addi­tion, the set-up effort for an indexing conveyor is very low and can be easily changed over to other products.

How fast is such a conveyor belt?

Depen­ding on the size of the blank and the feed step, the number of strokes can be up to 120 parts per minute.

Why an indexing conveyor from Hagel Automation?

An indexing conveyor from Hagel Auto­ma­tion is a good choice, as the company has many years of expe­ri­ence and exper­tise in the deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­ture of auto­ma­tion solu­tions. Hagel Auto­ma­tion specia­lises in the produc­tion of custo­mised auto­ma­tion systems.

Can an indexing conveyor be retrofitted to a hotforming press?

As a rule, an indexing conveyor can be easily retro­fitted to exis­ting systems.

What weight can be moved with an indexing conveyor?

Depen­ding on the size of the indexing conveyor and the number of tracks, blanks weig­hing up to 150 kg can be moved with maximum acceleration.

Where are timing belts used?

Indexing belts are used in the series produc­tion of sheet metal and formed parts in the auto­mo­tive industry or white goods.

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