Automation refurbishment


// Quality Products

Automation refurbishment

Our retrofit and moder­ni­sa­tion solu­tions are desi­gned to opti­mise exis­ting groo­ving presses or systems and increase their output and quality.


We offer custo­mised solu­tions that are tail­ored to the indi­vi­dual needs of our custo­mers. By inte­gra­ting modern auto­ma­tion and control tech­no­lo­gies, we improve the precision, flexi­bi­lity and speed of your slot­ting centres. At the same time, the service life of the systems is extended.


As a long-stan­ding partner to our custo­mers, we not only offer tech­nical impro­ve­ments, but also reliable service and expert advice. Toge­ther, we opti­mise your system and ensure that your produc­tion processes are always state of the art.”










// Advan­tages are obvious

Automation refurbishment

Control and automation

Updating the control systems enables more precise and effi­cient processes. The imple­men­ta­tion of auto­ma­tion tech­no­lo­gies increases produc­ti­vity and improves the user-friend­li­ness of the system.

At the same time, the supply of spare parts is guaran­teed for the next few years.


Impro­ving quality and output

The higher degree of auto­ma­tion reduces manual work processes and at the same time increases quality and output through better parts handling.


Spare parts management

Updating obso­lete compon­ents and swit­ching to more modern elec­tronic compon­ents in elec­trical engi­nee­ring can play an important role in the moder­ni­sa­tion of groo­ving presses. This is parti­cu­larly important if the old compon­ents are no longer available or are diffi­cult to procure. New elec­trical compon­ents are gene­rally not only more effi­cient, but also available on the market for many years.


Noise reduc­tion

Retro­fit­ting a clad­ding is an inte­gral part of our slot­ting punch moder­ni­sa­tion solu­tions. Our sound­proof booths can be flexibly confi­gured as stand-alone systems or as part of a fully auto­mated produc­tion line, allo­wing us to signi­fi­cantly mini­mise noise pollution.

Animation Rendering electric sheet retrofit
Martin Hagel 
Head of Automation 
+49 751 56082 – 0 
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// Appli­ca­tion example

Automation refurbishment

Slot cutter Automation

In this example, the control system of a turn­stile system inclu­ding groo­ving presses is being moder­nised. The groo­ving presses and the auto­ma­tion are being converted to servo axes. The aim is to ensure the avai­la­bi­lity of the system for the future and to opti­mise the poten­tial in the processes using the new control technology.

In this example, a slot punching machine is extended with an auto­ma­tion system for stacking rotor and stator lami­na­tions. Larger sheet diame­ters in parti­cular, espe­ci­ally large stator lami­na­tions with narrow backs, can no longer be stacked properly by hand.
By using a controlled tool, both rotor and stator lami­na­tions can be punched in two passes and then auto­ma­ti­cally stacked.
The system can also be extended at any time with a loading auto­ma­tion system with alignment station to create a fully auto­matic punching system.

Slot punching automation rendered representation

// Picture gallery

Automation Retrofit up close

Here you will find pictures and videos from instal­la­tion to use by the end customer.

Let us inspire you and convince you of our exper­tise and experience.

// Hagel Automation

Latest news

Slot punching centre construction at Hagel Automation

Hagel Automation receives “Certificate of Excellence”

Sep 2024| Hagel Auto­ma­tion receives “Certi­fi­cate of Excel­lence” We were awarded a Certi­fi­cate of Excel­lence by a customer for the successful comple­tion of a project to supply a groo­ving centre. The outstan­ding work quality of our team, which worked with full commit­ment and not only met but exceeded the customer’s expec­ta­tions, was parti­cu­larly recognised.…

Visitor days at Hagel Automation

June 2024| Hagel Auto­ma­tion invites custo­mers to view the latest deve­lo­p­ments and current projects in calendar weeks 24 and 25. Custo­mers will have the oppor­tu­nity to expe­ri­ence our state-of-the-art produc­tion faci­li­ties and the most advanced auto­ma­tion tech­no­lo­gies up close. Our experts will be on hand to answer ques­tions and provide detailed insights into our inno­va­tive processes.…

Transfer rail

Transfer Retrofit USA

June 2024 | We are carrying out a retrofit of a transfer system for a customer in the USA. The plan­ning and design have already been successfully imple­mented. The system is curr­ently well stowed on the sea route to the USA. The planned instal­la­tion date is the begin­ning of July. More news to follow…

Slot punching centre construction at Hagel Automation

Slot punching centre successfully put into operation

June 2024 | We have successfully commis­sioned the first groo­ving centre for our customer in Germany. The state-of-the-art system, which is equipped with two single groo­ving lines connected in series and two 200KN groo­ving punches, is running at full capa­city. The system includes a groo­ving line that can punch sheets with a diameter of up to 1400mm. Centre 1 can…

Transfer system in press

Transfer system for a 5 metre press table

DEZ 2023 | We have built a transfer for a customer in the Czech Repu­blic. The transfer system was inte­grated into a press which has a 5m press table. The control of the transfer was planned, installed and commis­sioned by us 

Rendering Tandem slot cutter

Slotting centre 1400mm

Dec 2023 | For a customer in Germany, we are curr­ently manu­fac­tu­ring a slot­ting centre that includes two single slot­ting machines connected in series. The system is equipped with two 200KN groo­ving centres. The entire project includes two comple­tely inde­pen­dent slot punching auto­ma­tions Centre 1 can punch a sheet diameter of 1400mm Centre 2 can punch a sheet diameter of 1000mm 

Feeder in press line

Feeder between C‑frame presses

JAN 2022 | Teles­copic feeder successfully installed between C‑frame presses in the auto­mo­tive sector in Germany. 

Tandem grooving machine installed at a customer's premises

Tandem grooving machine installed

DEC 2021 | We have installed a tandem groo­ving press for a customer in the Czech Repu­blic, which can be used in single or tandem opera­tion. Two 160KN groo­ving punches are installed in the system.

Press system with automation

Press system with automation

NOV 2021 | We have installed a 300 tonne press for a customer in the auto­mo­tive sector in Germany. The auto­ma­tion sequence of the system includes: Blank loader, gripper feed & transfer. 

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Hagel Automation in figures



Employees at the Grün­kraut site


Transfer systems installed


Years of experience
location map

// FAQ

Questions and answers

How long does a tool change on a grooving press take?

Normally, a tool change on a groo­ving press takes less than 10 minutes.

What does a groove punch do?

A groo­ving press produces rotor and stator lami­na­tions for elec­tric motors and gene­ra­tors using the single groo­ving process.
The stamped metal sheets are assem­bled into packages and then wound or moulded and assem­bled into a motor or generator.

Which parts are mainly produced on grooving presses?

Slot punches are used to manu­fac­ture elec­trical lami­na­tions (stators and rotors) for elec­tric motors.

How does a groove punching machine work?

A single groove is punched into a circular sheet using a punching tool.
The sheet is then fed through a feed device (divi­ding head) by one divi­sion – the punching process is repeated.
Depen­ding on the pitch, between 30 and 100 punching opera­tions are carried out per sheet until the finished sheet is produced. This takes place at a stroke rate of 600 to 1200 punching opera­tions per minute.

What are the advantages of a groove punch?

The produc­tion of sheet metal using the single groo­ving process is consider­ably cheaper and more flexible compared to a mould with a complete cut.

How fast is a groove punch like this?

As a rule, the groo­ving press is operated at 600 to 1200 strokes per minute. This depends on the size and comple­xity of the component.

How many tonnes can a grooving machine punch?

We curr­ently offer groo­ving punches in a range of 5 – 20 tonnes punching force.

Why a Hagel Automation grooving machine? 

Slot punching at the highest level and maximum precision and output. The patented design of the groo­ving press enables high rigi­dity and optimum condi­tions for good auto­ma­tion.
Thanks to the drive tech­no­logy used, there are no more wearing parts on the groo­ving press.

Modernise or replace old grooving presses?

We offer custo­mised solu­tions for the mecha­nical and elec­trical moder­ni­sa­tion of old groo­ving presses. In addi­tion, exis­ting groo­ving presses can be retro­fitted with our auto­ma­tion concepts.

How large is the output of a grooving machine?

Depen­ding on the size and degree of auto­ma­tion, the output of our systems is between four and ten sheets per minute.

What is the delivery time for a groove punch?

It usually takes around 10 months from orde­ring to deli­very of a groo­ving machine. We often have a demons­tra­tion machine in-house that is available at short notice.

How easy is it to maintain a grooving machine?

The groo­ving machine has a modular design and is very easy to main­tain, as the groo­ving machine no longer has any wearing parts.

Who supplies grooving presses and builds the automation for them?

Hagel Auto­ma­tion specia­lises in the design and cons­truc­tion of slot­ting machines and the entire auto­ma­tion process. Hagel Auto­ma­tion supplies effi­cient, modern and highly precise slot­ting machines.

What does a groove punch cost?

The costs depend on the required punching force, the equip­ment and the degree of auto­ma­tion of the groo­ving press. We are able to prepare a quota­tion for any appli­ca­tion at short notice.

How heavy is a groove punch?

Approx. 4000 to 7000 kg.

What are the areas of application of a grooving machine?

Produc­tion of elec­trical sheets for motors and gene­ra­tors for wind power, hydro­power and drive technology.

How does the single grooving process work with grooving punches?

A single groove is punched into a circular sheet using a punching tool.
The sheet is then fed through a feed device (divi­ding head) by one divi­sion – the punching process is repeated.
Depen­ding on the pitch, between 30 and 100 punching opera­tions are carried out per sheet until the finished sheet is produced. This takes place at a stroke rate of 600 to 1200 punching opera­tions per minute.

What sheet diameters are possible on a grooving press?

Curr­ently, sheet metal with a diameter of 35 mm to 1300 mm is processed on groo­ving machines. The current trend is towards larger diame­ters of up to 1800 mm.

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