

// Quality Products

Retrofit, overhaul and service

With our retrofit solu­tions, we bring your forming systems up to the latest state of the art and increase effi­ci­ency. We analyse the condi­tion and envi­ron­ment of your systems and create a custo­mised moder­ni­sa­tion concept.


For our systems that have been in use for many years, we offer over­hauls to make them fit for the future. We plan such assign­ments toge­ther with our custo­mers in order to inte­grate the acti­vi­ties into ongoing produc­tion in the best possible way.


Due to our medium-sized struc­ture, you always have a direct contact person in our service depart­ment. We have many stan­dard compon­ents in stock and can usually procure all compon­ents at short notice and deliver them worldwide.










// Advan­tages are obvious


Design without title (4)

Retrofit measures allow elec­tronic trans­fers, blank loaders, feeders, shut­tles and other compon­ents to be retro­fitted to exis­ting presses in order to expand produc­tion capa­city and bring the systems up to the latest state of the art.


Self-suffi­cient control
Retrofit solu­tions offer inde­pen­dent control options that can be seam­lessly inte­grated into exis­ting systems. These self-suffi­cient systems func­tion auto­no­mously to maxi­mise uptime and avai­la­bi­lity, resul­ting in more effi­cient and smooth production.


Inte­gra­tion into exis­ting systems
The retrofit enables seam­less inte­gra­tion of the new tech­no­lo­gies into exis­ting systems. This increases effi­ci­ency and produc­ti­vity without affec­ting ongoing operations.


Expe­ri­ence and expertise
With many years of expe­ri­ence and exten­sive exper­tise in the field of control and retro­fit­ting of forming systems, Hagel Auto­ma­tion offers custo­mised solu­tions that meet the specific requi­re­ments and needs of custo­mers. This exper­tise guaran­tees an effec­tive and effi­cient upgrade process.


Martin Hagel 
Head of Automation 
+49 751 56082 – 0 

Overhaul and service

We offer over­hauls of exis­ting systems and bring them up to the latest state of the art. Regard­less of whether they are transfer systems, blank loaders, feeders or shut­tles. The general over­haul can be carried out directly on the customer’s premises. For exten­sive general over­hauls, we dismantle the system and take it to our premises. As soon as the system is with us, it is thoroughly serviced and repaired. Tech­nical inno­va­tions are carried out at the same time accor­ding to the customer’s wishes. The system is then reas­sem­bled at the customer’s site and put back into operation.


Our inspec­tion service ensures a compre­hen­sive check for safety and perfor­mance. We analyse all compon­ents and prepare a detailed report with recom­men­da­tions. Malfunc­tions are mini­mised, which opti­mises the effi­ci­ency of the systems. Regular inspec­tions enable us to iden­tify poten­tial sources of faults in good time and take appro­priate measures to mini­mise down­time and stabi­lise produc­tion processes.


Service calls
We offer a compre­hen­sive on-site service. We take care of repla­cing compon­ents, carry out evalua­tions, retrofit your exis­ting systems and expand them if neces­sary. We also carry out repairs to ensure the smooth opera­tion of your systems.


Spare parts delivery
Our spare parts deli­veries are desi­gned to keep produc­tion systems up and running at all times. With an exten­sive stock of high-quality spare parts, we offer a fast and reliable supply. Whether it’s critical compon­ents or stan­dard parts, we ensure that the required spare parts are available in a timely manner. Our effi­cient deli­very ensures your processes run smoothly and mini­mises unplanned downtime.


System opti­mi­sa­tion
Our system opti­mi­sa­tions are desi­gned to maxi­mise the perfor­mance and effi­ci­ency of your produc­tion systems. With in-depth exper­tise and many years of expe­ri­ence, we analyse your systems thoroughly to iden­tify poten­tial for impro­ve­ment. Through targeted measures, such as updating control systems, imple­men­ting new tech­no­lo­gies or opti­mi­sing processes, we bring your systems up to the latest state of the art. The result is increased produc­tion capa­ci­ties, reduced opera­ting costs and improved product quality.


// Press interlinking

Retrofit: Overhaul and service


Transfer as retrofit in exis­ting press


In this appli­ca­tion example, we have installed a transfer system in an exis­ting press. The seam­less inte­gra­tion of the transfer system has signi­fi­cantly increased produc­tion capacity.
The transfer system enables effi­cient trans­port of workpieces.

The axes are controlled along cam discs to ensure an extre­mely smooth and precise move­ment sequence parallel to the press. This leads to improved produc­tion quality and accuracy.

Custo­mised transfer rails made of carbon


In this appli­ca­tion example, we were able to help a customer and manu­fac­ture new carbon fibre transfer rails for a third-party system. The transfer rails we supplied were manu­fac­tured from carbon fibre accor­ding to special requi­re­ments and adapted precisely to the exis­ting system. This ensures a high deflec­tion capa­city with low weight.

The entire tech­no­logy was taken over from the exis­ting rails.


Over­haul of transfer systems


In this appli­ca­tion example, we over­hauled and moder­nised an older transfer system for a customer.

After we had dismantled the system and brought it back to us, all wearing parts were replaced and the entire system was comple­tely overhauled.

The drives and controls were replaced with new compon­ents to improve the effi­ci­ency and perfor­mance of the system.

Thanks to the compre­hen­sive over­haul and the instal­la­tion of new tech­no­lo­gies, we were able to bring the transfer system up to the latest state of the art. Our aim was to restore the system to optimum condi­tion and create a reliable, high-perfor­mance produc­tion solu­tion for our customer.

Indexing conveyor as retrofit with ejec­tion function


In this appli­ca­tion example, the indexing conveyor is used after a transfer press. The pre-moulded parts are placed on the belt.

A sophisti­cated control system tilts one of the two belts to discharge the corre­spon­ding part.

The mould change func­tion is parti­cu­larly advan­ta­geous here. The indexing conveyor can simply be moved out of the press area when chan­ging the mould. This elimi­nates the need for instal­la­tion and removal.

image (2)
Feeder suction cup tooling with flat moulded part

Feeder as retrofit in exis­ting press line


In this appli­ca­tion example, we have inte­grated 5 feeders into an exis­ting press line as a retrofit. The control system is operated inde­pendently of the older press control system.

The feeder enables parts to be trans­ported over a distance of 11 metres. Thanks to a sophisti­cated control system, the axes of the feeder are moved along cam discs, which enables extre­mely gentle trans­port of the compon­ents. This is parti­cu­larly important for large-area formed parts.

Transfer as retrofit in exis­ting press


In this appli­ca­tion example, we have installed a transfer system in an exis­ting press. The seam­less inte­gra­tion of the transfer system has signi­fi­cantly increased produc­tion capacity.
The transfer system enables effi­cient trans­port of workpieces.

The axes are controlled along cam discs to ensure an extre­mely smooth and precise move­ment sequence parallel to the press. This leads to improved produc­tion quality and accuracy.

image (3)

// Hagel Automation

Latest news

Visitor days at Hagel Automation

June 2024| Hagel Auto­ma­tion invites custo­mers to view the latest deve­lo­p­ments and current projects in calendar weeks 24 and 25. Custo­mers will have the oppor­tu­nity to expe­ri­ence our state-of-the-art produc­tion faci­li­ties and the most advanced auto­ma­tion tech­no­lo­gies up close. Our experts will be on hand to answer ques­tions and provide detailed insights into our inno­va­tive processes.…

Transfer rail

Transfer Retrofit USA

June 2024 | We are carrying out a retrofit of a transfer system for a customer in the USA. The plan­ning and design have already been successfully imple­mented. The system is curr­ently well stowed on the sea route to the USA. The planned instal­la­tion date is the begin­ning of July. More news to follow…

Slot punching centre construction at Hagel Automation

Slot punching centre successfully put into operation

June 2024 | We have successfully commis­sioned the first groo­ving centre for our customer in Germany. The state-of-the-art system, which is equipped with two single groo­ving lines connected in series and two 200KN groo­ving punches, is running at full capa­city. The system includes a groo­ving line that can punch sheets with a diameter of up to 1400mm. Centre 1 can…

Transfer system in press

Transfer system for a 5 metre press table

DEZ 2023 | We have built a transfer for a customer in the Czech Repu­blic. The transfer system was inte­grated into a press which has a 5m press table. The control of the transfer was planned, installed and commis­sioned by us 

Rendering Tandem slot cutter

Slotting centre 1400mm

Dec 2023 | For a customer in Germany, we are curr­ently manu­fac­tu­ring a slot­ting centre that includes two single slot­ting machines connected in series. The system is equipped with two 200KN groo­ving centres. The entire project includes two comple­tely inde­pen­dent slot punching auto­ma­tions Centre 1 can punch a sheet diameter of 1400mm Centre 2 can punch a sheet diameter of 1000mm 

Feeder in press line

Feeder between C‑frame presses

JAN 2022 | Teles­copic feeder successfully installed between C‑frame presses in the auto­mo­tive sector in Germany. 

Tandem grooving machine installed at a customer's premises

Tandem grooving machine installed

DEC 2021 | We have installed a tandem groo­ving press for a customer in the Czech Repu­blic, which can be used in single or tandem opera­tion. Two 160KN groo­ving punches are installed in the system.

Press system with automation

Press system with automation

NOV 2021 | We have installed a 300 tonne press for a customer in the auto­mo­tive sector in Germany. The auto­ma­tion sequence of the system includes: Blank loader, gripper feed & transfer. 



Hagel Automation in figures



Employees at the Grün­kraut site


Transfer systems installed


Years of experience
location map

// FAQ

Questions and answers

How long does it take to retrofit a transfer into an existing system?

As a rule, the instal­la­tion and commis­sio­ning of a new auto­ma­tion system takes one to two weeks. Produc­tion is ramped up again the follo­wing week.

Why does it make sense to retrofit an automation system?

Retro­fit­ting an auto­ma­tion system increases quality, avai­la­bi­lity and capa­city.
By using the latest control tech­no­logy, resources can be saved and processes can be adapted to the requi­re­ments of Industry 4.0.

How does a retrofit work?

The exis­ting system is analysed in terms of mecha­nics, elec­trics and soft­ware. The inter­faces are defined and then the scope is re-planned and desi­gned. The system is then converted and commis­sioned in conjunc­tion with the overall system.

Why robot integration from Hagel Automation?

A retrofit from Hagel Auto­ma­tion is a good choice, as the company has many years of expe­ri­ence and exper­tise in the deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­ture of auto­ma­tion solu­tions. Hagel Auto­ma­tion specia­lises in the produc­tion of custo­mised auto­ma­tion systems.

Can automation be retrofitted?

As a rule, auto­ma­tion can always be easily retro­fitted to an exis­ting system that already has auto­ma­tion.
Other­wise, the available space must be checked and the concept adapted accordingly.

Your question is not listed?



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