Stacking of blanks


// Quality Products

Stacking of blanks

Our systems for destacking blanks trans­port finished compon­ents from a forming or punching press into the desi­gnated load carrier.
Auto­matic stacking of compon­ents is parti­cu­larly advan­ta­geous if they can no longer be handled manu­ally due to their surface area, weight, quality, cycle time or fragility.


Blank stacking can be used in a wide range of appli­ca­tions in the auto­mo­tive industry and in the produc­tion of white goods.


Our systems are manu­fac­tured exclu­si­vely in Germany. Our employees have many years of expe­ri­ence in the deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­ture of PCB loader systems.


We have been a reliable partner for our custo­mers for decades. We offer not only high-quality products, but also excel­lent service and compre­hen­sive advice to ensure that our custo­mers receive the best solu­tions for their produc­tion processes. We work closely with our custo­mers to deliver indi­vi­dual and custo­mised solu­tions that meet the specific requi­re­ments of each customer.









// Advan­tages are obvious

Stacking of blanks

Compon­ents are usually stacked auto­ma­ti­cally when they can no longer be handled manu­ally due to their surface area, weight, quality, cycle times or fragility.


The compon­ents are discharged from the press via a shuttle or an indexing conveyor. The compon­ents are then usually stacked in racks provided by a feeder. The feeder cycles accor­ding to the compo­nent height.
Several contai­ners are usually provided to ensure unin­ter­rupted opera­tion. The contai­ners can be supplied and removed manu­ally or auto­ma­ti­cally depen­ding on the number of strokes.


Depen­ding on the comple­xity of the compon­ents or contai­ners, suitable robots can also be used for stacking.
Untitled design
Martin Hagel 
Head of Automation 
+49 751 56082 – 0 

// univer­sally applicable

PCB and component stacking

Untitled design
The stacking system was deve­loped to auto­ma­ti­cally stack diffe­rent blanks and finished formed parts on top of each other in containers.


Stacking of indi­vi­dual components
Blanks or compon­ents are picked up and placed precisely on top of each other in the respec­tive container.


Stacking of several components
Several blanks or compon­ents are picked up toge­ther or one after the other and placed precisely next to each other or on top of each other in the respec­tive container.


// Hagel Automation

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Tandem grooving machine installed

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separator stacking2


Hagel Automation in figures



Employees at the Grün­kraut site


Transfer systems installed


Years of experience
location map

// FAQ

Questions and answers

How long does a container change take?

Normally, the sheet stacks are changed within a few minutes.
However, this does not inter­rupt the produc­tion process, as the compon­ents are stacked in another container during the container change.

What is component stacking?

Auto­ma­tion for compo­nent stacking is a specia­lised auto­mated hand­ling device that auto­ma­ti­cally places finished compon­ents in a container.

What does component stacking do?

A compo­nent desta­cker stacks fully formed compon­ents in a container.

Which parts are produced with component stacking?

The compon­ents produced are sheet metal parts that are manu­fac­tured in a multi-stage forming process using a forming press.

How does component stacking work?

The compon­ents are ejected from the press via a shuttle or an indexing conveyor. The compon­ents are then usually stacked into racks using a feeder.

How fast is a circuit board loader like this?

In stan­dard appli­ca­tions in the auto­mo­tive industry, the stroke rate is usually between 15 and 30 strokes/min.
Depen­ding on the appli­ca­tion, however, a stroke rate of up to 60 strokes/min is also possible.

Why a blank loader from Hagel Automation?

A blank loader from Hagel Auto­ma­tion is a good choice, as the company has many years of expe­ri­ence and exper­tise in the deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­ture of auto­ma­tion solu­tions. Hagel Auto­ma­tion specia­lises in the produc­tion of custo­mised auto­ma­tion systems.

Can automatic component destacking be retrofitted?

Depen­ding on the space available and the output of the exis­ting system, a compo­nent desta­cker can easily be retro­fitted to a system.

What weight can be moved with automatic component stacking?

Depen­ding on the size of the system, a blank loader can move compon­ents weig­hing up to 60 kg with maximum acceleration.

Where are automatic component stacking systems used?

Compo­nent stacking systems are used in the series produc­tion of sheet metal and formed parts. This includes the auto­mo­tive industry as well as white goods.

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separator stacking


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