// Careers at Hagel Automation

Electronics technician (m/f/d)

Do you speak electronics? Perfect!
Be part of our team.

Your tasks:


As an elec­tri­cian in our team, you have exten­sive know­ledge in the field of elec­trical engi­nee­ring. You are adept at hand­ling elec­trical compon­ents, wiring and circuit diagrams. Your tasks will include the instal­la­tion and wiring of elec­trical systems in accordance with tech­nical speci­fi­ca­tions and plans. You will also carry out profes­sional modi­fi­ca­tions to exis­ting elec­trical systems and installations.


career changer-300
Electronics technician final

// what awaits you

We offer you all this

Perfor­mance-related bonus
Short decision-making processes
Personal respon­si­bi­lity in a colle­gial team
Perma­nent full-time posi­tion with attrac­tive salary
Remu­ne­ra­tion of over­time with bonuses
Relaxed working atmosphere
Company pension scheme
Modern office equipment
Trai­ning opportunities
A safe work­place thanks to pionee­ring technologies

There are also

30 days holiday
Free coffee
Tax-free accom­mo­da­tion allowance
Free car park directly at the company

What you should ideally bring with you

Completed voca­tional trai­ning as an elec­tro­nics tech­ni­cian specia­li­sing in auto­ma­tion tech­no­logy (m/f/d) or a compa­rable qualification
First profes­sional expe­ri­ence in the described field of acti­vity desirable
Reading and wiring accor­ding to circuit diagrams
Inde­pen­dent way of working
Ability to work in a team, resi­li­ence and flexibility
Good know­ledge of German
Willing­ness to travel

// Join the team

Everyday work of an electronics technician at HAGEL from the perspective of your new colleague

What makes every day at Hagel special

Our daily work is charac­te­rised by inno­va­tion and colla­bo­ra­tion, which makes every day an exci­ting and inspi­ring chall­enge. The short decision-making processes and open commu­ni­ca­tion between employees and manage­ment ensure a plea­sant working envi­ron­ment in which ever­yone can fulfil their poten­tial. You will work on exci­ting and chal­len­ging projects and utilise the latest tech­no­lo­gies to develop inno­va­tive solutions.

How your onboarding at Hagel works

On your first day, you will be perso­nally welcomed by an expe­ri­enced employee and given a tour of the company. We will intro­duce you to the whole team.
During the first few weeks, your colle­agues and supe­riors will be on hand to support you and clarify any ques­tions you may have. We attach great importance to you quickly inte­gra­ting into the team and feeling at home with us.
We also offer regular feed­back sessions to ensure you are deve­lo­ping in your role and achie­ving your career goals.
Electronics technician-at-work
Sebastian, electronics technician

Get in touch today

We want to make the appli­ca­tion process as easy as possible for you. For this reason, we offer you the oppor­tu­nity to apply to us online. Our online appli­ca­tion form is quick and easy to complete and enables us to process your appli­ca­tion quickly. You don’t have to create a cover letter or CV, you can simply enter your details in the form and upload any docu­ments you need.
We look forward to recei­ving your application!
Your contact person will be Helmut Hembach.
Helmut Hembach - Managing Director of Hagel Automation

Helmut Hembach

Mana­ging Director

    We want to break new ground

    We know that an appli­ca­tion is time-consuming, which is why our online appli­ca­tion form is desi­gned to be as simple as possible for you.
    Start by ente­ring your contact details, such as your name, phone number and email address. Or simply give us a call
    (Phone +49 751 56 08 2 – 12)


    Please also let us know the day and time you would like us to call you back so that we can get back to you.


    Helmut Hembach will then get in touch with you.

    Classic application

    If you would like to apply to us in the tradi­tional way, we look forward to recei­ving your appli­ca­tion docu­ments by e‑mail or post.
    Please send us your application:


    1. Cover letter
    2. Curri­culum vitae
    3. earliest possible starting date
    4. Certi­fi­cates or refe­rences, if applicable
    Summa­rised as PDF by mail to jobs@hagel-automation.de.


    We will take the time to check your appli­ca­tion thoroughly and get back to you as soon as possible.

    If you have any ques­tions or queries, please contact Helmut Hembach.

    We look forward to recei­ving your application!

    This is how the application process works

    Initial consultation

    We will get in touch with you as soon as possible after your application.

    Open ques­tions can be answered during a friendly tele­phone call and a brief mutual introduction.

    Once you’ve done that, there’s bound to be a lot of inte­rest and you’ll want to see what we do.

    Take your time and come and meet us in person.

    Get to know Grünkraut

    We would like to welcome you and show you around our company. Perhaps you will already meet one or two future colleagues?

    Once you have gained a good first impres­sion, we are open to any further ques­tions and will discuss ever­y­thing else.

    Your atti­tude does not work enti­rely without bureau­cracy.
    If you fit into the team, it’s time for the contract. Of course, that has to be okay for both sides.

    Permanent position

    Before you really get started with us and you are not sure, we are happy to sche­dule a trial working day.

    We look forward to seeing you!


    Hagel Automation in figures



    Colle­agues at the location


    Foot­ball pitches Work surface


    Coffee machines


    Italian canteen
    location map